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English 201A/B

English 201A/B is a writing skills workshop designed to prepare you for the academic reading, thinking, and writing assignments you will encounter in college, especially courses such as freshman composition. I encourage you to make some friends soon. Exchange phone numbers with classmates at the very first class if possible, so that you can form study groups and have a source to find out important homework information if you have to miss a class. I look forward to a very productive semester, helping you all to become better readers, writers, and critical thinkers. That is the key to success in today's competitive society. This class and your freshman composition class are the two most important classes you will take in college, bar none, because all of the other classes are built on the foundation that you will establish here. Diego Rivera sarcastically entitles this mural, "El Buen Gobierno" ("The Good Government"). Let's hope you use your education to return something to your communities rather than creating barriers between yourself and la gente.

Diego Rivera mural of el buen gobierno

Kid's TV Video Resources for Essay Study

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A Girl Like Me, Kiri Davis

The Corporation: Targeting Children

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