Por poco


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The expression por poco is used with a verb in the present tense to express what almost happened. Note that in English the past tense rather than the present tense is used to convey this idea. Study the following examples.


Por poco perdemos el autobœs.          We almost missed the bus.

Por poco llego tarde.                            I almost arrived late.


1. Write the following sentences in Spanish.


1. I almost missed the train. (perder el tren)

2. I almost lost my life. (perder la vida)

3. I almost slept at the airport. (dormir en el aeropuerto)

4. I almost spent the night there. (pasar la noche allí)





Set 1

1. Por poco pierdo el tren.

2. Por poco pierdo la vida.

3. Por poco duermo en el aeropuerto.

4. Por poco paso la noche allí.